Reading Workshop

Nous vous proposons de partager avec nous le goût de la littérature anglaise, riche en émotions et en suspens. Si vous aimez lire et souhaitez vous initier à la littérature anglophone, n'hésitez pas et venez partager votre point de vue ! Six semaines avant notre atelier, vous recevrez l'œuvre choisie afin d'avoir le temps de la lire. Vous aurez le choix de vous la procurer ou de nous l'emprunter. Le jour J, rendez-vous dans notre centre pour une séance d'échanges autour de cette lecture: impressions, avis et prolongements culturels nous occuperont pour une séance de 2h. Chacun peut à sa guise, apporter boissons et nouriture ( typically Irish if you so wish)afin de partager ce moment en toute convivialité. 


En préparation



The Giver

The haunting story centers on twelve-year-old Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community.



A venir



The Girl on a train

Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.





My cousin Rachel

Philip Ashley is raised by his benevolent older cousin, Ambrose. But the cosy world the two construct is shattered when Ambrose sets off on a trip to Florence. There he falls in love and marries - and there he dies suddenly. Jealous of his marriage, racked by suspicion at the hints in Ambrose's letters, and grief-stricken by his death, Philip prepares to meet his cousin's widow with hatred in his heart.


Tarif à la séance

Durée approximative 1h30

12 €